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رسالة اليوم من هدي الرسول

-          لم يكن من عادة النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) الركوب دائماً، بل كان كثير المشي، وكان مشيه مشي أهل الجد والعزم، وفي الصحيحين: كان يأتي مسجد قباء راكباً وماشياً فيصلي فيه ركعتين. ومن فوائد المشي: تحسين اللياقة، وتنظيم ضربات القلب، وتحسين التنفس، والتخلص من الوزن الزائد، وتليين العضلات وتقويتها، ويسهم في منع تكلس المفاصل، ويخفف من التوتر.


كتاب الرحمة في حياة الرسول

شاهد مكة المكرمة مباشرة

إقرأ مقالا من أكبر كتاب في العالم

إبحث عن محتويات الموقع

شاهد المدينة المنورة مباشرة

المسجد النبوي _ تصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد

Madina Mosque 3D view

الرئيسية | Monthly archive

أبريل 2010

by Abul hasan ‘Ali Nadwi

by Abul hasan 'Ali Nadwi

It was during this period that the Prophet found himself transported at night to the K'abah and from there to the place of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, where Masjid-ul-Aqsa now stands. Then he was borne to the celestial regions where he witnessed the seven heavens, met the prophets of yore and saw the remarkable signs of divine majesty about which the Qur'an says:

"The eye turned not aside nor yet was overbold, verily he saw one of the greater revelations of his Lord." (Qur'an 53:17-18.)

Occurrence of the event

Biography - Recorded History<br><br><;br>Biography - Along with the large collection of hadiths, the biography (seerah) of Prophet Muhammad is well known as a part of recorded history. However, there is a subtle difference between hadith literature and the Prophet's biography. His biographers were historians who, within the first century after his death, began to gather all the facts they could from the various sources available.

Commander of the army - Muhammad was a prophet of mercy and a prophet of battle. His message was primarily one of mercy, but he was obliged to turn to battle when certain powers refused mercy and morality and sought to deprive others of them and of their natural rights and individual freedoms. He was a commander who gathered statistics about military capabilities, sent scouts to gather information and drew up battle plans. Aware that the Creator had ordained for every occurrence a cause, he applied this natural law in order to achieve success.

The Madinan Period - Before Islam came to Madinah, its inhabitants belonged mainly to three communities: the two Arab tribes of `Aus and Khazraj and the Jews, in whose hands was much of the city's wealth and who dominated its economy largely through the practice of monopoly and usury. Rifts between the two Arab tribes were promoted by the Jews who profited from money-lending toward war efforts and the sale of weapons.

The universal nature of Islam was confirmed early in the Prophet's mission, while a small number of his followers were being oppressed in Makkah. At that time Allah had revealed: "And We have not sent you except as a mercy for the worlds."[1] Again, while yet in Makkah, Allah instructed him: Say, "O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except Him; He gives life and causes death.

The Makkan Period - The first signs of prophethood came in the form of dreams, which inevitably came true shortly after their occurrence. Then, at the age of forty, while he was alone as usual in the cave, the angel Gabriel[1] appeared before him, commanding him to recite. Muhammad replied truthfully, "I am not one who can recite." He had never indulged in the recitation of poetry, a favorite pastime of his contemporaries among the Arabs.

The revelations that came to the Prophet during the Makkan period dealt mainly with matters belief - the unity and exclusiveness of Allah, His absolute power and ability, and His mercy. It informed of the Judgement, the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter, and the personal responsibility of every soul. It taught morality, piety, patience, the spirit of sacrifice, and dependence upon Allah. It comforted the believers in hardship, giving examples of the difficulties faced by the earlier prophets in their struggle to re-establish the worship of Allah on earth.

Member of a family and community - Despite his extraordinary spirituality and indifference to the world, he was not heedless of central aspects of life nor did he neglect its duties and responsibilities. He did not forget that he was a husband, father, grandfather, relative, neighbor, friend and leader, and that each of these has obligations toward others. He was a human being, one that could be pleased, angry, happy or sad. He would joke with his companions at times, yet not speak except the truth.

Taken from the introductory class to the lecture series entitled “Seerah:Lessons and Morals” delivered by Abu Ammar Yasir Qadhi5 at Masjid At Taqwa6 in Houston, TX in the Summer of 2005
Bismillahir Rahman Ar Raheem
Before we go any further in this topic of seerah we have to take a very important thing into consideration. The importance of this is related to us in the following hadith of the Prophet (Sal Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)1:

المقطع المختار من قسم مقاطع الفيديو