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رسالة اليوم من هدي الرسول

أرشدنا النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى حقيقة الصوم في نص بليغ فقال: (من لم يدع قول الزور والعمل به، فليس لله حاجة في أن يدع طعامه وشرابه) رواه البخاري، فمن لم يستقم قلبه ولسانه ولم تزك نفسه بالصيام فإن الله لا يحتاج إلى ترك الناس طعامهم وشرابهم، قال ابن القيم: كما أن الطعام والشراب يقطع الصوم، فهكذا الآثام تقطع ثوابه فيصير كمن لم يصم.


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المسجد النبوي _ تصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد

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الرئيسية | Monthly archive

يناير 2012

Aspects of Mercy

Dr. Adam began her sixth lecture by greeting the audience and thanking them for coming and said , “I am pleased to continue my exposition of the manifestations of the Prophet’s mercy towards his followers, as there are important aspects that I have not yet dealt with.

Aspects of Mercy

When the Prophet, pbuh, says, “It is only an unfortunate person who is deprived of mercy,”[10]  each one of his companions would make sure the Prophet’s statement of such horrible attribute did not apply to him. They were well aware of God’s account of the fire of Hell, “Only the unfortunate shall suffer its scorching pain” (Al-Lail: 15).

نتائج المسابقة لأفضل مطوية

بعد تحكيم المطويات من قبل لجنة التحكيم قررت اللجنة إعلان اسم الفائز في مسابقة (انصر نبيك بقلمك) لشهر صفر 1433 هـ، وهو:

أميرة بنت عصام بن عبد المنُعم يوسف

Aspects of Mercy

This is the seventh lecture of Dr. Adam and the audience is the same
audience. Comments on these lectures have multiplied in many fora,
newspapers and journals, the majority of which were positively
appreciative, though some were critical on the grounds that she
sometimes goes too far in adducing evidence and in analysis.

Aspects of Mercy

Dear audience, we are still on the subject of the Prophet’s mercy in all its aspects, but in another sphere, when his followers have multiplied, and his strength has grown and his victories have come in succession.

Aspects of Mercy

The audience are getting ready for the Eighth Lecture. I hear their talking about how quickly the lectures have gone by. Meanwhile Dr. Adam entered the room, welcomed the audience and greeted them.I believe it is time, in this eighth lecture, to consider a verse from the Holy Quran , namely, “We have not sent thee but as a mercy to all the worlds” (Al-Anbiyaa, 107).

Aspects of Mercy

The third manifestation: The Prophet, pbuh, was keen on giving a good treatment to the “People of the Book”, and sought to close the doors that lead to their being exposed to any harm.

Aspects of Mercy

Dear audience,  I greet you and welcome you after the break which was badly needed. I hope my talk will be well appreciated and that it will not be followed by any reproach by the gentlemen in the hall, as today’s lecture will deal with the manifestations of the mercy of the Prophet, pbuh, towards women.Smiling, She went on to say that some may ask why dedicate half of the lecture for this subject, which is a legitimate question, regardless of the intention of the person who poses the question, and I do not say, the woman who poses the question.

Aspects of Mercy

Dear audience,  It may be difficult to appreciate such behavior of the Prophet, pbuh, towards women, by those entertain in their minds certain ideas about greatness, such as the asceticism of Buddha and his abandoning of his wife, or such great men as those who have nothing but scorn and disregard for women, considering them mere devices for pleasure or machines for producing babies, and hence, men should not waste their time but should forget all about them, as we have previously seen.The Prophet, pbuh, regarded woman as half the world, when he considered women to be the counterparts

Aspects of Mercy

المقطع المختار من قسم مقاطع الفيديو