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رسالة اليوم من هدي الرسول

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول : اللهم أصلح لي ديني الذي هو عصمة أمري ، وأصلح لي دنياي التي فيها معاشي ، وأصلح لي آخرتي التي فيها معادي ، واجعل الحياة زيادة لي في كل خير ، واجعل الموت راحة لي من كل شر . رواه مسلم


كتاب الرحمة في حياة الرسول

شاهد مكة المكرمة مباشرة

إقرأ مقالا من أكبر كتاب في العالم

إبحث عن محتويات الموقع

شاهد المدينة المنورة مباشرة

المسجد النبوي _ تصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد

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الرئيسية | Monthly archive

يونيو 2010

The Prophet (saas) was a man known for his effective, wise and concise manner of speaking. His messages had a great effect on people, and everyone took great pleasure in talking with him. A number of accounts that have come down from his companions also confirm that fact. These are some of them:
"The Prophet (saas) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and beauty of speech. He said: 'I am the greatest orator among the Arabs'."116
Aisha (ra) describes the Prophet (saas)'s way of speaking thus:
"The speech of Rasulullah (saas) was not quick and continuous as that of yours.

The Prophet (saas) attached great importance to cleanliness. He always smelt very fresh, clean and pleasant, and recommended that Muslims do the same.

"He used not to take any hot food."129
"Meat was his most favorite curry."130
"The Holy Prophet (saas), amongst all other foods, liked pumpkin."131
"He used to eat the meat of hunted birds."132

"He liked dried dates among dates."133
Aisha (ra) had this to say about the food the Prophet (saas) enjoyed:
"Rasulullah (saas) loved halva and honey."134
"Among foods, he liked mutton, broth, pumpkins, sweet things, honey, dates, milk, cream, melons, grapes and cucumbers.

Aisha tells us that:
"The drink most liked by Rasulullah (saas) was that which was sweet and cold."143
"Nabeez was prepared from dried grapes for the Prophet (saas) and dates were, also, put in it, or it was prepared from dried dates, and grapes, too, were put in it.

The Prophet (saas) took great care to distribute water, particularly on journeys. On one particular journey, for instance, he stopped somewhere and asked for water from those around him.

Imam Ghazzali, known as "Hujjatul Islam," collected and set out some of the Prophet (saas)'s traits as related by such great Islamic scholars as Tirmidhi, Tabarani, Muslim, Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Ibn Maja:

"The Holy Prophet (saas) was the most patient among men, the bravest, the best judge, and he who pardoned most. ... he was the most charitable man. He did not pass a single night hoarding a single dirham or dinar. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy.

Every moment of the Prophet (saas)'s life is a splendid example for the faithful to follow. With his conversations with the faithful, the way he addressed them, his sense of humour, his affection for and interest in children, the just way he treated women and his affection and concern, he was a model protector, both for his family and for all Muslims.

That, by his smiling face, joyful countenance, and his consideration and affection for the faithful, he is an important example of proper morality and an ideal model of humanity.

Although the Prophet (saas) bore a heavy responsibility, and despite all the difficulties he faced, he was a most humble and peaceful man, submissive to Allah. He lived the joy and ardour of belief every moment of his life. Thanks to that joy of belief and his high morality, he was always smiling and tenderhearted. His companions describe his state of being:

Ali (ra): "His smiling face and kind treatment of everyone made him literally a father to the people.

It appears from what has come down from his companions that the Prophet (saas) would frequently joke with his family and companions, as well as laugh at their jokes, and give them friendly names or nicknames. As always, however, the Prophet (saas) also behaved very prudently, considerately and in accordance with the demands of good conscience when it came to joking.

One of the most important subjects that The Prophet (saas) dwelt on was that the believers should love one another sincerely and with no thought of personal interests, and that they should not harbour thoughts of hatred, anger or jealousy for one another. The Prophet (saas) was both the best possible example to the believers, but also frequently gave them advice on the subject.
In the Qur'an, Allah says of the matter:

That is the good news which Allah gives to His servants who believe and do right actions.

المقطع المختار من قسم مقاطع الفيديو