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The Sealed Nectar

 The Sealed Nectar by Shaykh Safi ur-Rahman

The devout worshipper - His greatest pleasure was in prayer, for that is when a believer is closest to his Lord. He would stand in prayer at night so long that his feet would swell, and would weep until his beard was wet. He used to fast often, usually on specific days of the week and month. He was constantly aware of his Lord, remembering Him in every situation and fearing His displeasure. He constantly sought forgiveness for his human errors and confided, "Indeed, I repent to Allah a hundred times daily."[1] His praises and supplications reflected the highest degree of sincerity and servitude and the highest aspirations one can have for himself and others.

He was indifferent to worldly things and content with little, even though he was eventually granted victories, war booty and sovereignty over the Arabian peninsula. He did not refuse the good things of life when they were available and would be grateful for them. But when they were not available he would not seek them out or regret the shortage. He would live mostly on dates and water and often months passed when no fire was lit for cooking in his house. He slept on a simple straw mat and said, "What do I need of this world? It is like the shade of a tree in which a rider naps at noon; then he moves on and leaves it."[2]

But while the Prophet encouraged people to perform acts of worship, he warned them against going to extremes in the practice of religion. He disapproved of taking on acts of voluntary worship beyond what could be done with ease, in order to prevent enthusiastic believers from neglecting other responsibilities or from exhausting themselves physically or spiritually. Rather, he taught moderation in this respect, and that small works done regularly earn more reward in the long run than a great amount done for awhile and later abandoned.


[1] Narrated by Ahmad and Muslim.

[2] Narrated by Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi.


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