El profeta de la misericordia Site

Liga del Mundo Islámico - Organismo Mundial para la Presentación del Mensajero

Fasting in Shawwal

dichos del Profeta

Mensaje del Profeta

  • Relató Abu Malik Al-Hariz Ibn 'Asim al-Ash'ariy (que Allah esté complacido con él) que el Mensajero de Alá (la paz sea con él) dijo: “At-Tuhur (la purificación) es la mitad de la fe (Imáan), decir Alhamdulillah (La alabanza pertenece a Alá) llena la balanza, decir Subhanallah y Alhamdulillah (glorificado sea Alá y la alabanza pertenece a Alá), llenan el espacio entre el cielo y la tierra, la oración es luz, y la caridad es una prueba a tu favor, la paciencia es luminosidad, el Corán es un argumento a favor tuyo o en tu contra. Cada uno empieza su día siendo vendedor de sí mismo. Liberándose o condenándose”. (Transmitido por Muslim)

The liberation of man from the worship of man

Among the things which the Prophet (peace be upon him) promised to the world is the liberation of man from the worship of man via Islam. The teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) call to a comprehensive form of monotheism. They abolished the false gods which people had sanctified and taken them as lords beside Allah or with him regardless of whomsoever they were. Allah, the almighty said in his book:

“They have taken the Messiah, son of Mary, and their Rabbis and their Priests as lords other than Allah, but they were commanded to worship only one god, there is no god but he. Glory be to him, he is above and free from all that they associate with him.” (Al-Tawba: 31)

Indeed, the liberation of man from extreme veneration and worship of other men was so great that the letters which the Prophet (peace be upon him) sent to powerful rulers of his time such as Caesar, Muqaucus and Negus all ended with the very same very from the Quran:

“Say: “O people of earlier scripture! Let us reason together, that we worship none but Allah and we associate nothing with Allah, and that we do not set up from among ourselves lords other than Allah.” But if you turn away, then say, “bear witness that we are Muslims.” (Al-Imran: 64)

No one should prostrate to another, according to the revelation which the Prophet (peace be upon him) was given, man should only bow down to Allah, his creator, the only one who is truly worthy of such an act of reverence. As a result of doing so, man acquires a sense of dignity and humility. Allah, the most high, stated in his book:

“To Allah alone must the hearts turn, in fear and for help: they beg for his mercy and fear his punishment.” (Al-Isra: 57)


Al-Qardawy, Yusuf, Introduction to Islam, Islamic Inc. Publishing & Distribution, Cairo, Egypt, 1995. (pg 274-275)


* Edited from the original





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