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The Sealed Nectar

 The Sealed Nectar by Shaykh Safi ur-Rahman

‘Amr bin Al-Harith bin Mudad Al-Jurhumi was reported by Ibn Ishaq, the wellknown
historian, to have buried the two gold deer together with the Black Stone as well as a lot of
jewelry and swords in Zamzam, prior to their sorrowful escape to Yemen.
Ishmael’s epoch is estimated to have lasted for twenty centuries B.C., which means that Jurhum
stayed in Makkah for twenty-one centuries and held rulership there for about twenty centuries.
Upon defeat of Jurhum, the tribe of Khuza‘a monopolized rulership over Makkah. Mudar tribes,
however, enjoyed three privileges:

The First: Leading pilgrims from ‘Arafat to Muzdalifah and then from Mina to the ‘Aqabah
Stoning Pillar. This was the authority of the family of Al-Ghawth bin Murra, one of the septs
of Elias bin Mudar, who were called ‘Sofa’. This privilege meant that the pilgrims were not
allowed to throw stones at Al-‘Aqabah until one of the ‘Sofa’ men did that. When they had
finished stoning and wanted to leave the valley of Mina, ‘Sofa’ men stood on the two sides of
Al-‘Aqabah and nobody would pass that position until the men of ‘Sofa’ passed and cleared
the way for the pilgrims. When Sofa perished, the family of Sa‘d bin Zaid Manat from Tamim
tribe took over.
The Second: Al-Ifadah (leaving for Mina after Muzdalifah) on sacrifice morning, and this was
the responsibility of the family of Adwan.
The Third: Deferment of the sacred months, and this was the responsibility of the family of
Tamim bin ‘Adi from Bani Kinana.
Khuza‘a’s reign in Makkah lasted for three hundred years, during which, the ‘Adnanides spread all
over Najd and the sides of Bahrain and Iraq, while small septs of Quraish remained on the sides of
Makkah; they were Haloul, Harum and some families of Kinana.

They enjoyed no privileges in
Makkah or in the Sacred House until the appearance of Qusai bin Kilab, whose father is said to have
died when he was still a baby, and whose mother was subsequently married to Rabi‘a bin Haram,
from the tribe of Bani ‘Udhra. Rabi‘a took his wife and her baby to his homeland on the borders of
Syria. When Qusai became a young man, he returned to Makkah, which was ruled by Halil bin
Habsha from Khuza‘a, who gave Qusai his daughter, Hobba, as wife. After Halil’s death, a war
between Khuza‘a and Quraish broke out and resulted in Qusai’s taking hold of Makkah and the
Sacred House.

The Sealed Nectar
