El profeta de la misericordia Site

Liga del Mundo Islámico - Organismo Mundial para la Presentación del Mensajero

Fasting in Shawwal

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Mensaje del Profeta

  • Narró Abu Adullah, an-Nu’man Ibn Bashir (que Allah esté complacido con él) que oyó al Mensajero de Alá (la paz sea con él) decir: “Ciertamente, lo lícito es evidente y lo ilícito es evidente, y entre ambos existen asuntos dudosos sobre los que mucha gente no sabe (ignora). Quien se abstiene de los asuntos dudosos purifica su religión y mantiene limpio su honor, pero quien cae en los asuntos dudosos, caerá inevitablemente en lo ilícito. Al igual que el pastor que pasta (su ganado) próximo a un prado vedado, poco falta para que pasten en él. Por cierto que todo rey tiene su zona vedada, y ciertamente la zona vedada de Alá es lo ilícito, y por cierto que en el cuerpo existe un trozo de carne, que si se encuentra sano, todo su cuerpo lo estará, y si se corrompe (enferma), todo el cuerpo se corromperá, este es el corazón”. (Transmitido por Bujari y Muslim)

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Muslim youth group combating Islamophobia by
Muslim youth group combating Islamophobia by

Muslim youth group combating Islamophobia by raising £500,000 for charity with single event.

'We have to combat narratives of hate and divisions and we have to condemn. We have to ask ourselves as a society what we want to achieve'.

Members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community taking part in last year's Mercy for Mankind challenge in London Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.[img]/mul/sites/all/modules/wysiwyg/plugins/break/images/spacer.gif[/img]

A Muslim youth organisation is fighting back against hatred and Islamophobia in the UK by raising half a million pounds for charities in a single event.

Hundreds of young Muslims will take part in a half marathon or sponsored walk to promote peace and dispel "misconceptions" about Islam.

The Mercy for Mankind charity challenge organised by the Ahamadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA) is due to be held in the Lake District in Cumbria, a region devastated by strong floods in December 2015.

At the time, the association helped to raise money for those affected by the floods and dozens volunteered to take part in the relief effort. This year, AMYA decided to return to the area to show its ongoing support to the community.

Farooq Aftab, the event organiser and the deputy head of AMYA, told The Independent the location was important because it showed Muslims were engaged in public life across the UK, despite the area itself not being particularly diverse.

"We recognise Islam as a religion of peace and integration which promotes unity and this is what this event will show. We want to make sure that we bring people together and that we show unity and humanity," he said, adding the event will help to fight "misconceptions about Islam".

The event's motto "every act of goodness is charity" is a message of the Prophet Muhammad who according to Muslims encouraged charitable actions towards others.



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