El profeta de la misericordia Site

Liga del Mundo Islámico - Organismo Mundial para la Presentación del Mensajero

Fasting in Shawwal

dichos del Profeta

Mensaje del Profeta

  • Narró Mu'ad Ibn Yabal (que Allah esté complacido con él) que dijo: “Dije: ¡Mensajero de Alá¡ ¿qué obra me llevará al jardín y me alejará del fuego”. Dijo: “Has preguntado una cosa que es fácil para aquel a quien Alá se lo facilita; adorar a Alá sin asociarle nada, realizar el Salat, pagar el Zakat, ayunar el mes de Ramadán y peregrinar a la Casa Sagrada”. Luego dijo: ¿No quieres acaso que te enseñe las puertas del bien? El ayuno es protección, y la caridad apaga las faltas, tal como el agua lo hace con el fuego, y la oración de la persona en el seno de la noche”. Luego recitó la aleya coránica:

    “Se levantan de sus lechos para invocar a su Señor con temor y anhelo, y dan en caridad parte de lo que le hemos proveído. Nadie sabe la alegría que le espera [a los piadosos] como recompensa por lo que hicieron” (Corán 32:17)

    Y dijo: “¿Quieres que te informe sobre la cima del asunto, su pilar y su cúspide?”. Dije: “Por supuesto, Oh Mensajero de Alá”. Dijo: “La cima del asunto es el Islam, su pilar es el Salat (la oración) y su cúspide es el Yihad (la lucha por la causa de Alá)” Luego dijo: ¿No deseas que te informe sobre la base de todo esto?” Dije: “Por supuesto, Oh Mensajero de Alá”. Entonces tomo su lengua y dijo: “Controla esto”. Dije: “Profeta de Alá, ¿Acaso seremos reprochados por lo que decimos?” Dijo: “Que tu madre se prive de ti Oh Mu'ad, ¿Es que existe otra razón por la que la gente sea arrojada sobre su rostro, o dijo: narices, en el fuego, sino por aquello que cosechan sus lenguas?”. (Transmitido por Tirmidhi, quien dijo que es un hadiz Hasan-Sahih (aceptable y auténtico)

 The first Revelation sent to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) implied several injunctions, simple in form but highly effective and of serious far-reaching ramifications. The angel communicated to him a manifest Message saying:

“O you [Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ] enveloped (in garments)! Arise and warn! And your Lord (Allâh) magnify! And your garments purify! And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols). And give not a thing in order to have more (or consider not your deeds of Allâh’s obedience as a favour to Allâh). And be patient for the sake of your Lord (i.e. perform your duty to Allâh)!” [74:1-7]
For convenience and ease of understanding, we are going to segment the Message into its immediate constituents:

The ultimate objective of warning is to make sure that no one breaching the pleasures of Allâh in the whole universe is ignorant of the serious consequences that his behaviour entails, and to create a sort of unprecedented shock within his mind and heart.
‘Magnifying the Lord’ dictates explicitly that the only pride allowed to nourish on the earth is exclusively Allâh’s to the exclusion of all the others’.
‘Cleansing the garments and shunning all aspects of abomination’ point directly to the indispensable need to render both the exterior and interior exceptionally chaste and pure, in addition to the prerequisite of sanctifying the soul and establishing it highly immune against the different sorts of impurities and the various kinds of pollutants. Only through this avenue can the soul of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) reach an ideal status and become eligible to enjoy the shady mercy of Allâh and His protection, security, guidance and ever-shining light; and will consequently set the highest example to the human community, attract the sound hearts and inspire awe and reverence in the stray ones in such a manner that all the world, in agreement or disagreement, will head for it and take it as the rock-bed in all facets of their welfare.
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) must not regard his strife in the way of Allâh as a deed of grace that entitles him to a great reward. On the contrary, he has to exert himself to the utmost, dedicate his whole efforts and be ready to offer all sacrifices in a spirit of self-fogetfulness enveloped by an ever-present awareness of Allâh, without the least sense of pride in his deeds or sacrifices.
The last verse of the Qur’ân revealed to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) alludes to the hostile attitude of the obdurate disbelievers, who will jeer at him and his followers. They are expected to disparage him and step up their malice to the point of scheming against his life and lives of all the believers around him. In this case he has got to be patient and is supposed to persevere and display the highest degree of stamina for the sole purpose of attaining the pleasure of Allâh.



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