Der Prophet der Gnade Webseite

Vereins der islamischen Welt - Globalen Komitees zur Einführung und Verteidigung des Gottesgesandten Mohammed

The Apostle of God occupied himself at his home like a common man. As 'Aisha relates, he used to clean his clothes, milch the sheep and himself do his odd jobs. She also says that he would mend his clothes, repair his shoes and do similar other works. When asked how the Prophet occupied himself at home, she replied, "He used to keep himself busy in household chores and went out when the time for prayer came."

In another report related on her authority, she is reported to have said, "The Prophet of God used to repair his shoes, mend his clothes and occupied himself at home even as any of you occupy yourself." 'Aisha relates, "God's Messenger was very softhearted, the kindliest of all. He laughed often and smiled much." Anas says that he had not seen a man who was more clement and nice to his household members than the Apostle of God." It is related on the authority of 'Aisha that the Prophet said, "The best of you is one who is most nice to his wife and children and I am the nicest among you." Abu Huraira said that the Prophet never expressed disapproval of any food, if he desired he ate it, and if he disliked he left it alone."




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